This course is always open, but the last edition has finished. More info.

Inverted Methodologies - Ed04

certified course Certificado

This NOOC is part of the training proposal of the project Erasmus +, “European network in D-flexible teaching (ENID-Teach)”, PROJECT NUMBER - 2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000027551, KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education, coordinated by UNED.

The main goal of this project is to provide digital training to university lecturers around online teaching and engage them in building a distributed yet cohesive cooperation network for the exchange of good practices and digital transformation.

Classes Start
15 / Sep / 2024
2 months
  • Spanish
  • English
  • French
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • German
Evaluation criteria

Learning goals

  1. Development of the critical and reflective capacity to use inverted (flipped) methodologies to ensure learning personalization as well as the transforming of the classroom into an inclusive and more dynamic and interactive space.
  2. Advance in designing and usage efficient combinations of flipped classroom models and strategies to support more engaging student-centred active learning.
  3. Explore the potential and use of digital technology and tools to create digital content that ease autonomous learning, contribute to a deeper understanding of topics, and increase students’ motivation.
  4. Improved expertise in using unconventional teaching approaches and online technology to ensure engaging educational experiences.
  5. Advance in using the potential of online communities and collaboration platforms for sharing content and expertise and cooperative work in the design of a teaching programs based on inverted methodologies.

Recommended requirements

Effective participation in this NOOC requires the availability of technological resources such as a computer and an Internet connection.

Participants should have at least basic skills and competencies to use digital technologies in a meaningful way in their pedagogical practice.

Intended audience

University professors and other professors from different areas of education as well as all interested educators.

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